The Battle of Britain - a Freeware expansion for Microsofts CFS3
CFS3 Battle of Britain Install - MkI
80th Anniversary Edition.
Dedicated to all Allied and German aircrew and personnel who served in the conflict.
With much thanks to the following contributors for allowing the use of their fine work.
If I've missed anyone out its purely unintentional, please let me know and I'll make sure you're added. :-)
Firstly, a special thanks to the following for their time, effort and encouragement into getting this update finished;
David 'Daiwilletti' Willets - Campaign files, effects, damage files and many other additions, improvements and testing.
James 'Mongoose' Allen - Hundreds of missions! (including all necessary aircraft, ships, spawns, buildings etc.)
Rob 'Capt Winters' Stevenson - Converting and supplying just about all of the aircraft files plus Pilot characters etc.
Then in no particular order, all that has been generously created, supplied, helped with or allowed the use of;
Nigel 'Ndicki' Dickinson - aircraft textures
Mathias - 3D models external, VC models
Steven 'Sdsbolt' Seybolt - 3D models external, VC models
Greg 'Seacondor' Law - Regs Hanger, 3D models Aircraft, ships
Craig 'Viso' Murray - 3D models external, VC models
The W40 Team - 3D models
John 'Bravo4/4' Whelan - Hi Res aircraft textures
Ted 'Crossram' Miller - 3D aircraft models, airfields
The Groundcrew team - 3D aircraft models, ports, ships
Aeroplane Heaven - Bf109 - http://www.aeroplaneheaven.com/
AvHistory - Weapons, Flight Models
Ton 'Fouteman' - base texture for Bf110, which has then been modified
Richard 'Winjeel' Mason - 3D aircraft models, weapons models
Gerrard - 3D aircraft models
Patrick Didier - 3D aircraft models
John 'Johnno UK' Benfield - scenery
Mark Rude - RDF
Philippe Backes - Personnel models
Alain 'Alain95' Dignoire - Paris enhancments
Owen' Househobit' - missions
Gordon 'Flashgordon' Townsend - airfields, global layer
Joost 'Frosty' Wils - airfields
Jeff 'Beaubrummie' Hampson - airfields
Chris 'Chriseponymous - airfields
Vincent 'Pelican72' - Photo terrain textures
Daniel 'Gecko' Holtz - Special effects
Kasey 'Grizzly50' Miller - Installer
Mark 'Winding Man' Andrews - Weather files, help & guidance
The ETO team - help & guidance
uimusic - Spitfire Fugue - Sir William Walton
Me - Compiling, airfields, photo terrain
If I've missed anyone it is not intentional, please let ne know and I'll add you in.
Last but not least..the Sim Outhouse for giving us a home for all these years! - http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forumdisplay.php?f=7